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The Lonely Work of Moderating Hacker News

Open-plan offices offer few pleasures; one of them is snooping on other people’s browsing habits When, years ago, I began working for tech companies in San Francisco, I noticed that my co-workers were always scrolling through a beige, text-only Web site that resembled a nineteen-nineties Internet forum

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The Untold History of the Biden Family

In 2019, I wrote a piece for this magazine about Hunter Biden, the younger son of the current President, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr Hunter, describing his childhood in Wilmington, Delaware, told me that after church his father would sometimes drive him and his brother, Beau, through wealthy neighborhoods, where they would sneak onto empty estates that were either abandoned or on the market

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Roe’s Final Hours in One of America’s Largest Abortion Clinics

At seven o’clock on Friday morning, Ivy turned on the lights of the Houston Women’s Clinic, the largest abortion provider in the state, where she has worked as a supervisor for nearly two decades Since May, when the draft of a Supreme Court decision leaked, revealing its conservative majority’s intention to overturn Roe v

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We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe v. Wade. We’re Going Somewhere Worse

In the weeks since a draft of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization—a case about a Mississippi law that bans abortion after fifteen weeks, with some health-related exceptions but none for rape or incest—was leaked, a slogan has been revived: “We won’t go back

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Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a child in the backseat is a horrifying mistake. Is it a crime?

The defendant was an immense man, well over 300 pounds, but in the gravity of his sorrow and shame he seemed larger still He hunched forward in the sturdy wooden armchair that barely contained him, sobbing softly into tissue after tissue, a leg bouncing nervously under the table

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How to Negotiate with Ransomware Hackers

Minder soon found more work Sometimes it was a prominent company facing a multimillion-dollar ransom demand, and the negotiation took weeks

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The Lazarus heist: How North Korea almost pulled off a billion-dollar hack

In 2016 North Korean hackers planned a $1bn raid on Bangladesh's national bank and came within an inch of success - it was only by a fluke that all but $81m of the transfers were halted, report Geoff White and Jean H Lee But how did one of the world's poorest and most isolated countries train a team of elite cyber-criminals?It all started with a malfunctioning printer

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How I got to 200 productive hours a month

Two years ago I could spend a week not working because I was avoiding some task One year ago it was 100 to 120 hours of work monthly

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Atomic Habits for Product Managers

James Clear's Atomic Habits provides a compelling rationale for why frequently practicing small and easy to do atomic habits consistently compounds in benefit to ultimately generate incredible results It then goes on to provide a comprehensive guide for reliably forming such atomic habits, regardless of the level of self-discipline or willpower you may naturally have

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Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda

I've long believed that the most innovative products are built by teams who innovate on the very process by which they develop those products And it's why I've always been a student of companies that consistently deliver innovation to the market

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Miscellanea: Understanding the War in Ukraine

This week, I want to break from our usual format and respond to the fairly unusual global events I expect a lot of my readers are trying to get a grasp on what is happening right now in Ukraine and in my own experience the traditional news media often struggles to adequately explain complex issues that go beyond simply describing events

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